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8:15 AM

11:30 AM

First day of school- Half Day
PD for teachers- PM

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6:00 PM

6:30 PM

Board of Education Meeting
The Pirate Learning Center is located at 306 W. Johnson Street in Hart. (Enter at the Diman-Wolf Early Childhood Center entrance.) 

Upon request to the Superintendent, the District shall make reasonable accommodation for a person with disabilities to be able to hear or participate in this meeting. Please contact the Superintendent's Office at 231-873-6214, Option 1, seven (7) days prior to (or as soon as possible before) the meeting.  

The official minutes of the meetings are stored in the Principal Office of the Board of Education and are available for inspection at that location. It is suggested to call the Superintendent's Office in advance of the meeting you plan to attend to confirm there have not been any changes in the meeting schedule. Schedule changes are posted in district buildings and on the website at  

Questions? Please call 231-873-6214, Option 1.  

 The Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, (including sexual orientation or transgender identity), disability, age, religion, height, weight, marital or family status, military status, ancestry, genetic information, or any other legally protected category, (collectively, "Protected Classes"), in its programs and activities, including employment opportunities.
Pirate Learning Center

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8:15 AM

11:30 AM

Half Day
Half Day- Professional Development for teachers in the afternoon

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